What is ESG Reporting?

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting has become an indispensable practice for demonstrating corporate ethics, transparency, and commitment to sustainability.


At its core, ESG reporting requires companies to disclose non-financial data alongside traditional financial statements to provide a comprehensive view of long-term value creation. This data encompasses environmental impacts, social responsibilities to people and communities, and the leadership, accountability, and governance safeguarding ethical growth.

A man standing with recycle placard and a women sitting in the chair with environmental friendly placard

Why ESG Reporting matters more than ever?

Beyond supporting public trust and reputation, formal non-financial disclosure offers tangible upsides:


Attracting Investors

Funds and firms gravitating towards ethical companies consider robust ESG data in allocation decisions. Complete, honest reporting signals your organization embraces sustainability.


Mitigating Risk

Getting ahead of ESG issues through reporting fosters resilience against supply chain disruptions, climate impacts, lawsuits, and regulatory shifts.


Uncovering Efficiencies

The process of ESG data gathering often reveals cost and waste reduction opportunities, inspiring operational improvements.

Navigating the ESG Reporting Landscape

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

GRI provides the world’s most widely adopted standards for sustainability reporting, revolving around universal and sector-specific ESG indicators.


Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

SASB reporting focuses on financially material aspects of sustainability using an industry-based approach to key performance indicators.


Fundamentals of ESG Reporting Process

While reporting frameworks provide helpful structure, effectively disclosing ESG performance depends on strategic execution:


1. Issue Prioritization

Through stakeholder assessments and analysis, assess organizational context to define priority ESG topics, risks, and opportunities specific to your operating environment.


2. Data Systems

Construct infrastructure to gather qualitative and quantitative inputs across prioritized dimensions from enterprise data systems. Supplement through value chain surveys.


3. Impact Measurement

Leverage selected reporting framework guidance to set KPIs monitoring topical performance and broader sustainable development impacts aligned to global goals like the UN SDGs.


4. Channels

With reliable measurement established, determine optimal formats and platforms to keep stakeholders continuously informed from investor presentations and annual reports to employee dashboards and product labeling.


5. Improvement

Regularly reviewing performance gaps and emerging stakeholder expectations allows for continually refining the reporting scope, depth, and communication as disclosure processes mature across the organization.

How We Power Your ESG Reporting Success?

As pioneers in corporate responsibility and sustainability services, Chiltern TMC enables organizations to tap into ESG reporting with strategy and efficiency. Our end-to-end support includes:


Materiality Assessments

We identify your most pressing ESG focus areas through stakeholder engagement and analysis. This allows contextual reporting.


Data Management Platforms

Our advanced systems gather, analyze, and showcase ESG data to internal and external stakeholders.


Report Development

Our GRI and SASB experts craft compelling, compliant reports communicating your ESG story powerfully to investors, regulators, and the public.


Assurance Services

We provide external validation of reported information as an independent third party through desk reviews or onsite audits.

A women standing and analyzing the previous statistics data


The Global Reporting Initiative is the world’s most widely used standard for sustainability reporting. GRI compliant reports are globally recognized for their credibility, compatibility, and transparency in providing a framework that can adapt to the unique needs and goals of your organization.

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SASB provides industry specific sustainability standards that help businesses identify, manage, and report on financially material sustainability topics. These standard's are recognized by investors and regulatory bodies alike as the gold standard in sustainability reporting.

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EcoVadis operates a global platform for business sustainability ratings, providing detailed assessments that measure a company's environmental, social, and ethical performance. Adopted by over 65,000 companies worldwide, an EcoVadis rating can enhance your brand reputation, improve supply chain sustainability, and attract sustainable procurement opportunities

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