Elevate Your Events While Protecting the Planet

In a world where sustainability is not just a buzzword but a business imperative, the events industry is no exception. From trade shows to music festivals, sustainability can make or break your brand’s reputation. That’s where we come in.

At Chiltern TMC, we specialize in ISO 20121: Sustainable Events consultancy, offering comprehensive solutions to make your events greener, more ethical, and socially responsible.

Why ISO 20121?

Risk Management: Protect your brand and business from the financial and reputational risks associated with unsustainable practices. Resource Optimization: Effective use of resources not only saves you money but also reduces your environmental footprint. Stakeholder Engagement: Enhance your reputation and stakeholder relations by demonstrating a commitment to sustainable practices

Expertise You Can Count

Gap Analysis: We assess your current event management process to identify areas for improvement in line with ISO 20121 standards.
Strategic Planning: We develop tailored action plans that cover everything from waste management to social inclusivity, ensuring a fully sustainable event experience. Compliance and Certification: Our team will guide you through the ISO 20121 certification process, from initial audit to final accreditation.
Post-Event Review: A comprehensive post-event analysis to measure the impact and effectiveness of your sustainability efforts, helping to inform future events.

Our Edge


  1. Industry Knowledge: With extensive experience in both event management and sustainability, we bring a dual focus that sets us apart from the competition.
  2. Holistic Approach: We consider all aspects of sustainability – environmental, economic, and social – to create events that are genuinely sustainable, not just ‘green-washed’.
  3. Proven Track Record: We’ve successfully guided numerous clients through the ISO 20121 certification process. Your event could be next!